Funny Picture for Kids Writing Prompts

Use these Picture Writing Prompts for Elementary Kids in your classroom or at home! This is a free sample to copy/paste into your own activities. They are great to get those creative juices flowing. Perfect for morning work or end-of-the-day fun.

Rules for Free Use:

Do not use these Picture Writing Prompts for Kids to make money on marketplaces such as TeachersPayTeachers

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Use for any classroom or homework activity that helps your kiddo get writing

These are meant to be free and easy picture prompts for writing. Share with friends! And have FUN with your kiddos!

Picture Writing Prompts for Elementary

#1 – How does this picture make you feel? How do you think this girl got up there? Tell about the time you and your friends found the secret swing above the city!

Picture Writing Prompts for Elementary

#2 – The king of the sea needs your help! What happened to the kingdom of the sea? Tell about your adventure!

Picture Writing Prompts for Elementary

#3 – Tell about that one magical year you took a reindeer home. Tell about the time you found a lost reindeer that forgot how to fly. Tell about the time you moved to Russia with your reindeer friend.

Picture Writing Prompts for Elementary

#4 – Tell about the time this dog became your dog. For some reason, he loved to give people roses. Why was this? What is his or her whole story?

Picture Writing Prompts for Elementary

#5 – Meet your new class pet! It is the cross between an owl and tarantula. Talk about how to care for it and give it a name. Tell about the time it escaped.

Picture Writing Prompts for Kids

#6 – You just woke up from the craziest dream ever! This is the first thing you see. Where are you? What happened? How will you get home?

picture prompts for writing

#7 – This is the story of a kid robot and their pet.

picture prompts for writing

#8 – You and the Easter Bunny are going for an adventure. Where do they lead you?

picture prompts for writing

#9 – Tell the legend of this secret island. Nobody knows about it but 3 people. Give it a name. Give it a legend. Then, give it a problem like pirates that are coming.

picture prompts for writing

#10 – Congratulations! You just landed on the blue moon of planet Virgononia 35. But wait, the local people come to greet you. How does it go? What happens? Are they friendly? Do you end up on the space chase of a lifetime?!

picture prompts for writing

#11 – This is your new friend, Furry Worry. He's furry and always causes people to worry. Tell about the time you took him shopping at the fancy store by the mall. You know? The one your mom tells you not to touch a single thing. It might be a disaster because Furry Worry wandered off.

picture prompts for writing

#12 – You found a hole behind the bookcase in the library. After falling through, you wind up here. There is no way back so you must move forward. What happens along the way? Do you ever escape?

#13 – In the back corner of the library, you come across a weird section. You look up and this is what you see. The sign says DO NOT CLIMB, so of course, you do it anyways! At the top in the clouds, you find another world. What happens next?

#14 – Oh no! You teacher was doing their laundry and they fell headfirst into an enchanted world of dancing laundry! You were there with your family at the laundromat and saw the whole thing. Only you can save them. Write the adventure as if you are telling it to your friends at recess the following Monday.

#15 – Welcome to your new school! Somehow, magic shrunk you down to the size of an elf and now you are going here. Step in the first building, then take the elevator 8 floors down. Then, tell about your first day? How did you even find your new class?

picture prompts for writing

#16 – Ahhh! Nothing like a nap atop the big city to get away from it all. Tell about the time you went to your secret hammock in the sky but then the wind blew you out. You grabbed the hammock and used it as a cape to fly. What happens next?!

#17 – There is no other zoo in the world like this one. Tell about the time your class went for a field trip to see the giant animal zoo.

#18 – Meet your new feet teacher, Mr. Feature! Tell about the crazy first day with this 10-toed teacher. How do they do normal things as a feet person?

#19 – Tell about your dad's new job! What are some other things he might paint?

#20 – Remember that time you told a bedtime story to two sweet lions and your favorite stuffed animal? Tell the same story here.

#21 – Welcome to your new house! But how on Earth are you going to get to school? Think up a special new way to travel and then tell how it works.

picture prompts for writing

#22 – Talk about a howling bad problem! Your dog and little sister woke up like this. Only you can help them. But how…/

#23 – You were hiking in a far away country when this giant elephant comes up to talk. Their elephant kingdom is in some kind of trouble and only you can save them. Tell the adventure!

picture prompts for writing

#24 – You are in the hot air balloon race of a lifetime! What new city is this? What did you see when you looked below?

#25 – This is your giant, pet lizard. Tell all about them. Then, tell how you asked your parents to keep it. It wasn't easy…

#26 – These are your grandma's special pet eggs. Tell about each one and give a name. Then, tell about the time you lost them at school.

#27 – Welcome to the new planet, Ezbothonia! It's a million light years away but you won a vacation from a science lab. Your family is the first to live here and that's your new house. Give the rest of us back home on Earth a tour!

picture prompts for writing

#28 – Meet your pink new dragon friend, McPinkie Swirlzby. You are the only one that can see them and it is driving you crazy. How will you ever take care of this problem?

#29 – This painting in your library came to life. Now there's a dragon flying crazy all over the school! Things are being knocked off the walls and everything. Write out a five-step plan to catch this wild thing before it takes over pizza day in the cafeteria and ruins it.

Picture Writing Prompts for Elementary

#30 – Would you do this for a million dollars? Why or why not? There is a net but falling from that high is still really scary. All you need to do is walk across 100 feet of tight rope to the other building. The wind is blowing and it's chilly.

Thank you for using these FREE Picture Writing Prompts for Elementary! Check out our best-selling reading pack, Outrageous Reading!


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